5 Tips to get free mentors

2 min readDec 20, 2020

he world is open to opportunities and ways to learn but you have to keep an open mind I know what do you feel when I was in your place and still I know how you feel
you are stuck in your thoughts like somebody is shocking by his thoughts really overwhelming and you are not able to make

the decisions or you are hesitant to take the right decisions sometimes can be stressful so
We need a mentor a savior from our darkness, we think he will provide a shining straight way to success but life is not easy but everything is by value and money so how to find one free

First, who is a mentor?

A mentor is a person who has experience in a certain field you want to pass and succeed in it.
Someone who can help you to make the right decision there are many types of a mentor in every field there is a person who can make money from you for guiding you
The idea is good but there is no proof for the mentor’s experience and sometimes he can save a ton of money for your company or your career

1-groups Facebook/discord Communities in general

You can find help on making decisions or taking feedback on your work and you will be surprised there are a lot of people to help you and guide you through your way I tried this personally when I was learning UI/Ux I just asked and I got a lot of feedback from people in it.
In programming too, every problem or bug I face I try to search it first if anyone made it before when I can’t find anything I just ask in stack overflow
depending on your industry or career you will find a lot of people with opening chest they will help you even you can Ask a general question or keep engaging with them will provide you opportunities you can’t imagine


The second approach is searching manually in YouTube and blogposts on people faced the same problem as you and this approach will provide you with more ideas or those people can inspire you and open new horizons in front of your sight remember this tip will help you in the additional tip


If you did not found an answer, yet you can go to the old way with a mentor in your pocket decades of experience on shelves, and dust covering it
For example, if you have a problem with marketing read books about marketing like this is marketing by Seth Godin and others if you don’t have time to read it just type book summary you will find it online for free

more tips in





my name is Abdallah I am 20 years old Egyptian self-taught programmer and designer founder of byhamouda